Affordable, interesting and fully decodable stories to support systematic teaching of phonics for adults and teens, that’s the TAP Library. Books at our levels 2 and 3 (the phonics progression planned is outlined on this page) are especially hard to find so our initial goal is to grow this series of decodable books at those levels. Adults and teens with dyslexia and other learning difficulties will love these apps designed by experts with their needs in mind.

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Level 1

The Plan is a fully decodable text at level 1 of TAP series

“The Plan”

After being caught running drugs for a criminal gang, Tim is in prison and feels isolated and depressed. The only thing that keeps him going is the memory of his girlfriend, Ann, and his plan for their future together. But is this realistic or is his future in tatters because of his stupid grab for dangerous, easy money? 1520 words, Level 1 cover


15-year-old Will comforts his menagerie of pets late into the night. A light-hearted story of a caring boy with a love of animals. intro-lockers

“Lit Sick”

Sam is dyslexic and hates literature class at high school. He’s becoming depressed about it and is beginning to refuse to go to school. Can anyone help him feel better about himself and help him through Lit Class? cover

“The Cat”

This is a light-hearted story of Mr. Tibb, a cat who enjoys his home, his plate of fish and the occasional adventure in town. See what he gets up to in this playful story. 1200 words. Level 1. cover

“Mad As Hell”

Level 2



The Dog Man is a decodable book at TAP level 2 for teen and adult emergent readers

“The Dog Man”

Kid Mum is a phonics reader with the mature theme of teenage pregnancy. Decodable and serious.

“Kid Mom”

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“The Gas Men: The Test”


Related Resources

The Gas Men 2 is a phonics book for older beginners in the Teen and Adult phonics digital library

“The Gas Men 2”

Having passed the Gas Test, Max has moved to the exclusive and luxurious H1 compound where he should be happy but finds he isn’t. He was forced to leave so much behind. Will he forget his past and perhaps become a Gas Man? Or will he try to discover who the mysterious man in red is and perhaps make life fairer for everyone both H1 and H2? blue-gas

“The Gas Men 3”

Max passed the Gas Test and was transported to the perfect world of the H1 lands. However, he soon discovered that the H1 lands were far from perfect. Something is coming that will change both the H1 lands and The Trench forever. Will Max and his family survive?

Level 3



“Life Is A Joke”

Kate has a huge crush on Jake. But will she find a way to let him know by Valentine’s Day? This is a light-hearted story of friendship and romance but also of finding one’s voice and using assistive technology to overcome the challenges of dyslexia. 3900 words, Level 3