The Gas Men: The Test is a dramatic, dystopian science-fiction story, the same genre as The Hunger Games trilogy and the…
[September 2018 Update: There’s new app called Funny Phonemes by our own Greg McDonald specifically designed to make phonemic awareness…
“Over 800 decodable words at level 1? Don’t be a tease….what are they?” No problem. Below you’ll find the alphabetized…
We recently made available online a free beta version of the decodability analysis tool that we use to guide us in…
A comprehension die is a playful way to encourage discussion about a text. This free comprehension die can be used…
Today we made available on this website a tool for analyzing the “decodability” of a text in terms of the…
What is an Open Syllable and Why are they Important for Emergent Readers? My previous post considered the importance of…