“What is an open syllable?” is an important question we’ve talked about before in this blog. It is a syllable in…
“Over 800 decodable words at level 1? Don’t be a tease….what are they?” No problem. Below you’ll find the alphabetized…
We recently made available online a free beta version of the decodability analysis tool that we use to guide us in…
Today we made available on this website a tool for analyzing the “decodability” of a text in terms of the…
What is an Open Syllable and Why are they Important for Emergent Readers? My previous post considered the importance of…
What do we mean when teachers and speech pathologists classify words using capital letters like CVC? When teachers and other…
Why do some teens need phonics? The simple answer to this is that some teenagers still can’t read efficiently at…
There are so many beautiful books on library and classroom walls that are designed for emergent readers. Sadly, very few…
What is phonics? Phonics is a way of teaching reading and writing in English. The method systematically introduces the two…